La Loli del SI de Collbató vol compartir la valoració que ha fet l'alumnat participant al projecte Sharing to learn:
el SI Collbató i aquest any el nostre institut ha participat per segon any
consecutiu en el projecte d’intercanvi “Sharing to Learn” .
curs anterior van enviar LA a les escoles de La Salut i Mansuet
de la nostra mateixa població i aquest curs ho hem ampliat a l’escola del
Bruc, tot i que aquesta escola pertany als serveis territorials de Catalunya
Central. El motiu és que l’alumnat d’aquest centre estan adscrits al nostre
centre per motius de proximitat.
total aquest any hem tingut un grup de 16 LA que han participat en classes de
diferents nivells. A més de ser un projecte voluntari els ha servit com a part
del seu Treball de Recerca. En aquest treball els alumnes han fet una valoració
i suggerències per millorar el projecte. La valoració ha sigut 100% positiva.
us deixo alguns dels comentaris dels alumnes:
“About the project, I enjoyed it very much, and I would
like to be a LA next year. As I see it, this project is very cool and so
useful, because normally, spoken English is harder to learn but this project
makes it easier.” (Ismael de la Gracia)
“As a final conclusion I would like to say and repeat that
I think Sharing to Learn is a project which I have learnt and shared a lot and
I think that it has a very good future (...) I am very proud of having done this
project because it has been an unforgettable experience.” (Júlia Luna)
“What I also liked a lot about the experience is that I
could see the improvement of the children. Sometimes, when they said a few
words and also understood what I was saying in English, it made me realise that
the work I was doing with them was worth it.” (Laia Collado)
“As I have seen, this project is very nice and useful. It
has to continue, above all in these crisis times. It contains a lot of values:
to share, to respect, the responsibility and the altruism of the older
students, for example.” (Marta Llagostera).
Gràcies, Loli, per compartir!
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