dimecres, 3 de juliol del 2013

Experiència compartida. INS Montserrat Colomer de Sant Esteve Sesrovires

El Juanvi Vidal, tutor de les language assistants de l'INS Montserrat Colomer de Sant Esteve Sesrovires, ens fa arribar els comentaris de les seves alumnes un cop passada l'experiència.

This experience has taught me that you can make the best out of something quotidian. I have learned ways to teach, to explain myself, to get the kids to listen to me, and I have improved my confidence. But most of all, doing this project has made me feel incredibly happy, because working with kids is really joyful, but being aware that you actually helped them and taught them something, makes me feel very happy.

'The project ''Sharing to Learn'' has meant to me a great chance: to provide a service to the community implies to do your best to be useful to others. The satisfaction of seeing that every day you are able to improve your Language Assistant role, added to the adventure that it implies dealing with children, has made of these months of work an unforgettable experience. I totally recommend getting involved in this kind of projects because it really has made me grow as an English student and as a person.        


My experience in this project has been truly satisfactory. I have learnt the way we teach, that this is a thing that until you don’t do, you can’t explore. I’ve also known more of myself. I’ve tried to communicate every time better what I wanted them to understand, and I’ve adapted to them to find a good point of communication and that everything went better day to day. Finally, I only want to say that I am taking very good feelings from this project and I that I’d love to repeat it again!

I believe that this experience is very important for me, because I've learned another job. Working with children is very rewarding because you can be satisfied when they learn something, because when they ask you or talk with you, you can see what have they learned.
It's important too because I have had some experience for the future, because maybe I would like to do something related with being a teacher.

He has also made a video about the first year experience:

Thanks so much, Juanvi !! Congratulations, Language Assistants !!

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