dimarts, 13 de març del 2012

Experiència compartida. ESC Can Vidalet. Esplugues de Llobregat.

"Every Wednesday two pupils from the American School come to Can Vidalet primary school for teaching us English. First, Luan and Aurora, and then, after Christmas Holidays, Aurora and Lucia.

They play board games and contests with us for practicing English conversation and vocabulary. We play Srabble and Pictionary. We have a great fun and we learn English with them every Wednesday afternoon"

 By Amanda, Irene, Sofía and Adrián.

2 comentaris:

  1. Sembla que s'ho passen molt bé.

  2. Sí que és veritat.

    I no sabeu la il·lusió que ens fa als que tirem endavant aquest bloc...


    Alícia i David.
