dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2014

Valoracions dels Language Assistants: Institut el Cairat (Esparreguera)

La María José  Rodríguez, tutora dels LA de l'institut el Cairat d'Esparreguera, vol compartir amb nosaltres les impressions del seu alumnat de 4t d'ESO després d'un curs al projecte.

From this project, we have gained a lot of qualities which will be beneficial to   our future. A clear example is the patience we had to have or the oral expression that we needed to expose every Friday. We also have learned how to treat the children and how to handle them. That is what we found most difficult. In the end, we did get very emotionally attached to our kids. So, in the end we found it hard to say goodbye. That was probably the least enjoyable part of the Sharing to Learn project. 
Júlia Rey and Gerard Sancho

In our opinion it was a gratefull experience, a different kind of project with a lot of laughs. We think that the children learned a lot with this, it was a different way to learn English. We felt very proud of ourselves because the children thanked a lot our help, and we have seen them doing their best.
At first it was dificult for the children to understand us, because their English level was too low, but finally it became easier for them to understand what we were saying. We didn't like to go so early just after lunch, but if  it is posible we want to repeat the experience.
Maria Cobas Barrios and Jungla Luque Polo 

First of all, Marcos and I have learnt to be patient with the children and be nice to them.
Having into account this experience, we have decided we aren’t going to teach children in the future because we have enjoyed the experience but we agree that this is a very difficult profession.
What we found most difficult was to keep the children in silence because they were talking all the time and they were very excited.
Mar Moratalla and Marcos González

In our opinion, this project has been a great experience to improve our oral English. We have learnt how to interact with our students, listen to them and be patient. What we found most difficult was the first day, when we arrived there and we had to introduce ourselves.
We strongly recommend this project to other students because we enjoyed all the activities we’ve done. 
Roger Conesa Ribas and Marc Gonzalez Motlló

This experience has taught us how to speak, play and teach in English with children. We also have learnt to be patient and how to master a class. We have improved our vocabulary and speaking and we have learnt to understand the pupils and their necessities. What we found most difficult was speaking in English all the time, because the children didn’t understand us and we had to explain the topics in different ways. The only thing that we didn’t enjoy was when children were excited because it was very difficult to calm them down.

Laia Gotsens and Clàudia Río

Moltes gràcies, María José!

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