dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2014

Valoracions dels Language Assistants: Institut Josep Mestres i Busquets (Viladecans)

La Montse Garcia, la tutora de les LA de l'institut Josep Mestres i Busquets de Viladecans, ha seleccionat diferents comentaris del Final Assessment de les seves alumnes i que ha volgut compartir amb tots nosaltres:

La valoració sobre el que han après les LA és molt diversa:
1. I’ve learnt to interact with children and to be more patient and make them interact, too.
2. I have learnt to be patient with children. I have learnt to explain students the activities with the correct words because they didn’t have much vocabulary.
3. I’ve learnt how to take responsibilities.
4. I’ve learnt about them and they have learnt and have had a good time with me.

En general, les LA coincideixen que han millorat en paciència i en organització:
1. I’m more organized and patient. Now I have more experience, too.
2. I have improved my patience.
3. Personally, I think I recognize the work teachers do. Professionally, I think I’m prepared to do more classes as a teacher.
4. After this experience I know how to make students interact and I can also enjoy with them.

Les dificultats que han tingut les LA van encaminades a la gestió de l’aula. El que han trobat més difícil és com fer que els alumnes hi parin atenció:
1. To make students pay attention
2. What I found most difficult was to interact with the kids because we didn’t have time
to do things with them since they had to do their programmed class.
3. On the one hand, the first class was quite and it was difficult to involve them with the activities. On the other hand, the second group was very participative and active so it was difficult to make them be quiet.

Les LA coincideixen en què el temps ha estat una dificultat. Alguns comentaris que destaco de què no els ha agradat a les LA:
1. The little time that we had to teach the children.
2. I enjoyed almost everything but I didn’t have time to have lunch and arrive on time at the first class.

Per contra, el que més els ha agradat és la interacció i la participació:
1. When I participated with them
2. The last day when we finally got to do a more interactive class with the kids and they gave us the drawings.
3. When I participated with them in the board game.
4. Having a good time interacting with them and trying to make them understand some things just in English, which was also very difficult.

Moltes gràcies, Montse!

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