dilluns, 27 de gener del 2014

Experiència compartida. Així treballem als centres: escola Matilde Orduña (Esplugues de Llobregat)

Molly Mc Donaldson and Sophie Schroer are the language assistants this year at Matilde Orduña School. They help the teacher with the 3rd grade children.
In the next text they explain what they are doing:
These past few months we have been working on different subjects. These different subjects include clothes, animals, the description of animals as well as their natural habitats, family members and food. We have studied these subjects using different methods. From the pupil’s book, the smart board and other electronic devices, reading stories to the students and then acting them out. We did class activities but also separated into smaller groups. On holidays or events we did separate activities from the normal class work. On Halloween we prepared a PowerPoint that included vocabulary specifically to do with Halloween. This PowerPoint also included games, word searches and coloring. The students enjoy these different activities and always participate well.
So, as they explain they prepared by their own the whole Halloween activities.
First they taught the children some words related to the festival. Then the children coloured a picture and finally they explained a scary story in which the pupils could recognize some of the words they have previously learnt.
It was a funny activity and the children got a lot of treats for doing well.
Here are the PowerPoint presentation they made and the recording of the activity at the school webpage.


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