dijous, 21 de març del 2013

Experiència compartida. Així treballem als centres : escola Madre Sacramento.

Al col·legi Madre Sacramento, de Sant Just Desvern, l’àrea de coneixement del medi es fa en anglès. Els dimecres a la tarda, quan venen les language assistant, els alumnes realitzen un taller de “Science”. En aquest taller es duen a terme activitats pràctiques relacionades amb el que el alumnes estan fent a l’àrea de “Social and Natural Sciences”.

Aquí us presentem una de les sessions realitzades durant la unitat “The food we eat” amb l’objectiu de treballar els diferents àpats del dia. 


It’s time for a story!

Structures: Can you point to the...? / Do you eat...?/ How many meals do you have a day?/ What do you eat?

Language : Breakfast, lunch, dinner, fish, fruit, milk, cherries, sausage, bread, eggs, biscuits, tomatoes, sauce, pasta, salad

The languages assistants read aloud the story: “Marcelo’s food”. This is a story about a superhero. He is very strong because he eats healthy. 
After telling the story we do a comprehension activity about it. The language assistants retell the story making one or more mistakes. The children have to guess what these mistakes are. While telling the story, the languages assistants ask questions about the vocabulary that appears in the picture. This activity takes about 30 minutes.


Structures: How many meals do you have every day? What do you eat? / I eat... for... (Breakfast, lunch, dinner...)

Language: Healthy, menu, breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.

supermarket catalogue, photos, paper,...

Now it’s time to think and talk about our meals. To do that, we do our classbook of healthy menus.

Development of the activity

  1. Make 4 groups: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
  2. Cut out food photos for your meal from supermarket catalogues.
  3. Stick the photos on pieces on big cards and write the name of the different types of food under your pictures.
  4. The title page has been prepared previously by the language assistant.

Finally we put all the pages together to make “Our class healthy menus”.

Questions done during the activity:

-          What meal is your group working on?

-          What do you need?

-          What are you going to cut out?

-          Where are you going to stick it?

-          What are you going to draw?

-          What are you going to write?

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